Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Change From the Norm: Girls Night!!

Tonight should prove to be interesting.
Last weekend I went bar hopping with my good friend Renee. This weekend I am going club hopping with my friend Lancaster.
Some of the things that I loved about last weekend was the fact that there is no cover on bars and that the crowds were manageable (ie you were not mauled and grouped while navigating thru the sea of people on the way to the bathroom.. not that I even used the bathroom but for some reason whoever I am with always needs to use it at least a couple of times). Not only am I going to do a comparison between the two crowd wise and entertainment wise, but financially as well. Now it would be a less bias comparision if I was to go with the same people each time (who knows if I would have more fun one time based just on the company because Renee and I would have a great time just sitting in a gas station parking lot) but unfortunately she is MIA this weekend so I will have to make due with my experiment the way it is. It is only slightly confounded and will not make a significant difference ;)

So!! Aside from the fact that I am desperately needing to buy a new dress, I am very excited for this evening....

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