Wednesday, October 14, 2009

And I said I would not analyze it: Hi Panda

Hi Panda by Ji Ji
On first glance, what impression did these panda bears give you?
Those were Pandas?
Believe it or not, I actually find these bears quite lovable. Maybe it is because the artist intended for these figures to represent children born in the 80's, of which I am included, and all my life I have been dealing with each of the said emotions the bears are depicting.
Maybe it is because the media has desensitized me to the point that "evil bears" seem so far out there that I see them as anything but evil.
Maybe the little diapers they are wearing make me instinctively think "baby" and since, in order to ensure the survival of the human race, we are wired to feel empathetic towards babies I feel nothing but love for them. And an evil baby is simply unheard of.
Maybe it is because on a subconscious level I really do see them as disturbing, I am thus feeling sorry for them and only see them as lovable because in my heart I really want to help them.
Or maybe it is because I simply am crazy. Who knows.
All I know is that I have Angry Panda glaring at me from his cozy little perch atop my mantle across the room.
I need no definitive reason why.
My smile is enough.

Monday, October 12, 2009

...and repeat...

My name is Rebecca and I am addicted to a game on Facebook.
Oh, its not just any game..
And its not even a good game.
But once I start I cannot stop!
The high score is taunting me..
"83,050? Is that really the best you can do?"
Each game only takes a minute..
"Can you not spare a minute?"
One minute turns into two, which turns into 12, which turns into 30 and the next thing I know I have spent a good hour trying to beat a pointless score.
I know that is what they want.
I know they have me in the palm of their hands.
Just one more time..
I know I can do it...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

9 Ways to Avoid the Baby Shower Blues

All I could think of as I finally escaped those double doors was why I decided to waste close to 2 hours of my Sunday in the clutches of boredom, the face of awkwardness and in the presence of more strangers that I would have subjected myself had I took the city bus. Oh and the two words "Thank God". Thank God for the fact that I finally made it out of there of course.
As I drove down the road, attempting to clear my memory of the recent event, it occurred to me that I could actually benefit from the previous situation if only by ensuring that it was never to happen again. Well, if it was to at least never happen to the one person I have the power to guarantee this with: Myself.

Note to Self: If for any reason a baby shower is thrown in my honor the following rules shall be strictly adhered to.
1. The location shall never, under any circumstances, be held in a pizza parlor.
2. There shall never be more guests than a standard sheet cake can feed.
3. The noise level will never be so high that anyone has to shout to be heard by the person sitting right next to them.
4. Games will be played with the hope and intent of facilitating conversation between the entire group.
5. While food is important at a lunchtime party, that shall not be the main focus. Said food shall also not contribute to the obesity epidemic of America (this rule may be bent if shower is held outside of the States)
6. While it is understandable that not everyone will know all the attendees, the event must be kept at a size where it is reasonable for people to feel comfortable enough to interact with others. Showers must be split into separate parties for this very reason. IE: One for family, one for friends, one for coworkers, etc.
7. Presents are a key part of a baby shower, but common etiquette suggests not opening them within the first 30 minutes of the shower commencing.
8. Clowns?? Need I say anything more?
9. No matter what, the atmosphere must be keep light and unserious. Otherwise guests will be scheming ways to escape after only being there an hour.

Now that I have that stored away in case of emergencies, on with the rest of my Sunday.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ode to the Bloggerverse

My computer was gone,
I was all alone.
But luckily for me,
I still had my phone.

This was all well and good,
for all sites but this one.
So I continued my postings,
after I'd get all my work done.

Then work got savvy of the fact that work related blogs are hard to find
Took away blogger (and twitter! and plurk!) which near put me out of my mind.

But what should I get? I truly had no idea
To the computer store I went! (in this case I chose Costco)
It didn't take long, there was no searching high and low.
I saw my new Dell right in the front row!

So now I am back, there was no stopping me
Thought I would swing by and share with you my glee ;)