Monday, January 21, 2013

I almost lost my best friend today

Charlotte and Myself enjoying a day in the Georgia sun
Every evening my dog Charlotte likes to go out in our fenced backyard to play (and go for a bathroom break).  She is typically outside maybe 10 minutes before she is back at the door asking to come back in.  Tonight when she asked to go outside I thought nothing of it,as I opened the door, turned the outside light on and went back to watching my not very interesting television show.
A good 20 minutes go by before I realize that Charlotte has been outside a lot longer than normal so I go to the door and call for her.
I call again, this time clapping my hands to get her attention.
Nothing, not even the jangle of her name tag against the collar.
I think that she must be doing something in the back of the yard and is so preoccupied that she doesn't hear me so I go inside for the industrial strength flashlight (I thought B was crazy to spend $100 on a flashlight, but this thing WORKS).
After thoroughly inspecting the yard and all the bushes it became apparent that my dog was no longer in the back yard, even though both gates were closed and the fence is still intact.
At this point I am starting to panic.  It is evening, the time when predators come out looking for their dinner.  She is not a super small dog, but I could see her being a tasty meal for something that lives in the Georgia woods (a Walker, perhaps?)
What if she got out of the yard, was hit by a car and was now suffering on the side of the road somewhere?
The gates do not lock, what if someone decided they wanted little Charlotte for themselves? (she is super cute after all)
What if I was going crazy and didn't let her outside in the first place?
I ran in the house and checked the last item off the list, she was no where to be found.
I open the front door with the intent of canvasing the entire neighborhood in search of her, when something runs past my feet.  At first I think it was the cat trying to go outside, when I get a better glimpse of the white blur running past me.  Charlotte!  Never have I been so happy to see her :)

What dog escapes the backyard, only to gain the freedom of the front porch? Mine, apparently.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Four years, just like that

I am starting to gain a lot of respect for "they". "They" always seems to know everything, get everything right and to have experienced everything.  In this instance "they" always say that time flies when you're having fun and that time goes by quicker and quicker the older you get.
Today marks the four year anniversary of B and my first date.  He came to my little apartment on the not so nice side of town and we attempted to watch The Dark Knight, but ended up talking throughout most of the 3 hour movie.  I'm happy things have turned out the way they have, I couldn't wish for a better partner in crime :)

A gloomy PNW day at the Lewis River