Thats right, he (as in E) decided that he was going to be good this week and didn’t get his name on the board at all. That meant that I had to live up to my word and take the boy out to see a movie. So after school today we went straight to the theatre to see what was playing. The options at the moment were either Narnia or Indiana Jones or he could wait 2 days and we could see Kung Fu Panda. When he heard that Narnia was playing he got so excited that he could hardly contain himself.

“No! I want to see this one, please please mom!”
Apparently he watched the first one with my mom (unbeknownst to me) and I remember when I watched the first movie with K I was less than impressed (in fact, the two of us were laughing and making fun of the characters the entire time “That is not how you would hold a sword.. Why is he running like that? Etc, etc”)
So, again, you can say that I was less than enthused when I bought the tickets.
The movie started at 350pm which gave us about 30 minutes to walk over to the store, fill my overly large purse with goodies and get back. When we walked in there wasn’t anyone standing there to check tickets so for all intents and purposes I could have just walked right in without paying (hmm… lol) but I had my tickets in my pocket just in case someone decided to stop me. We get to our theatre (I saw that Sex and the City was playing right next door and entertained the idea of letting him watch his movie while I watched my movie…. Only for a few seconds… lol) and when we finally walked in we were greeted with never ending open seats. IE: We were again getting our own private screening. (Now THAT I like. Something about the movies he picks… no one else is ever there! Hehe).
Instantly we start munching on our goodies… a habit which I am sure aides greatly to the obesity epidemic of America. If only we could recondition our brains to not think that watching a movie or television should be synonymous with eating something, but I digress…
The movie starts and I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. Not only had the acting of the children greatly improved over the years they had between films but the storyline of this one was much more interesting. I must admit that I read the series in its entirety when I was around 11 but I don’t remember them in the slightest so I didn’t know what to expect. This movie is about the betrayal of the prince by his power hungry uncle who had an unquenchable desire for the throne. When his first son was born he ordered the current prince (who was only waiting to attain the throne due to his age) murdered in his sleep. He was awoken just in time by his mentor who gave him something to use “only at his most dire time of need” and told him to flee to the woods because “they won’t follow you there”. He was wrong. They did hesitate only momentarily before following him deep into the wood where he ended up meeting his “most dire need”. The object that was given him was the horn from the first movie which was supposed to call Queen Susan (or all the children apparently) back to Narnia. And this is where the story really gets started.
This movie is 2hrs and 20 minutes long, but it really doesn’t feel that way in the theatre. The story line is engrossing, the acting is [somewhat] believable and the visual effects are nice to behold. There were a few moments in the film that I felt rather frustrated that they didn’t act true to life… I found myself saying “kill him already!” to myself (and one time out loud lol) during a couple of scenes but I had to keep reminding myself that this movie is aimed at kids so of course an adult would have to be the one to finally do the killing because that would then be acceptable in the mind of the audience. I didn’t care who did it, I was just glad it was done.
Overall I liked this movie, even with the religious [OVER]tones (I’m sorry but I don’t remember there being such a strong Christian presence in the books, and at times it kinda distracted from the actual movie). I would give it a 3.5 stars/5…
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