Friday, June 20, 2008

Fireworks and Cell Phones

I have decided that the next time I go to a fireworks show I am most definitely going to bring ear plugs! Fireworks are merely an "for the eye" experience so inflicting permanent, irreversible damage to my precious, precious hearing for NOTHING makes zero sense to me.
Fireworks? You ask. Yes, that's right. Last night, after finding out the hard way that I really wasn’t supposed to work yesterday (What are you doing here? Didn’t Christi call you? I was going to call you but I didn’t have your number, etc, etc) I decided to head on up to Woodland to spend some quality time with E and to get some homework done. Yesterday was day one of the Planters Day celebration in the little town and they start the festivities off with a night of fireworks. E, my mom, Char-Chars and I all went down to enjoy the show.
While there I couldn’t help but notice that ¾ of the people there were taking pictures of the fireworks with either their cell phones or their digital cameras and to be honest, I would like to know why? Will you ever look at those pictures again? Pay money to have them printed out? Are they even intelligible on that little camera phone you are taking the pictures with?? Not only are you wasting your time taking the pictures, but the lights from the apparatus’ (or would it be apparati??) are kinda distracting to the other spectators around you when you are sitting in the pitch darkness…

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