You have come across the random ramblings of an animated, adventurous, city girl who loves to share her ideas on just about anything to anyone who would care to listen.... These are my thoughts and experiences.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
My 100th Posting!!
100 posts since March?
Maybe I should find something more productive to do??
A Few Good Quotes
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, prepare to die."
- Klingon Proverb, Star Trek
Men are like parking spots, the good ones are taken and the free ones are handicapped.
Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.
"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."
- Mark Twain (1835-1910)
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
"I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it by not dying."
- Woody Allen (1935-)
"I have an existential map; it has ‘you are here’ written all over it."
- Steven Wright
The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on.
- Robert Bloch
Friday, August 29, 2008
McCain/Palin. A Match Made in Heaven?
Oh and when reading the article in MSN announcing the pairing I came across this sentance:
"Governor Palin ... will remind women that if they are not welcome on the Democrat's ticket, they have a place with Republicans." he said"
Will it now? Sounds to me like this woman is being used more as a pawn than as a serious partner and if it is going to remind us women of anything it is of the fact that we don't appreciate being used.
They also go on to state "Palin also spoke of shattering the "glass ceiling" for women, an appeal for support from disaffected supporters of former Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton."
Why would it draw Clinton supporters? Does she have the same ideals and principals? Or do they really think that the women that voted for Hilliary BECAUSE she is a woman? Would it be too much to think that maybe she was voted for because people (Men and Women included) believed in the things she stood for? If it really worked this way wouldn't that then mean that men would only vote for men as well? Maybe I am being overly sensitive, but these statements are more than just mildly offensive to me..
Thursday, August 28, 2008
San Diego Here We Come!
After all this time, it will be interesting to see if I will still be able to find the place (being that I do not know the name of it).. but luckily for me I still have directions saved on my computer :D
We will be heading down 9/15!
Insomnia Haunts Me.
And I don't know why.
Like right now, at this moment, I should be sleeping. I have to be up early for class tomorrow yet here I sit... at first I was reading my book for class like a good student but my ever so distractable mind pulled me away and sat me in front of this screen once again.
I stare at pictures, or read thru blogs, or lately, browse thru plurks of people on the other side of the globe, ...... basically not doing anything productive. Sometimes I just stare at the screen!
My mind is running, but I don't know from what.
My heart is pounding like I've been enduring something strenuous, but I have yet to move from this spot.
I feel like I am waiting, but I don't know for what.
To close my eyes willingly would only bring forth another day; is the future what I am afraid of?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Its called "Plurk"
Sure, most of them were rather ridiculous, pointless and plain stupid but there was one that piqued my interest..... So I decided to check it out.
Click here to see the site!
Its called Plurk and its a place that you can sit and chat with people from around the world about whatever you want..
Maybe I just like it because I am actually able to do it at work... maybe because I am bored out of my mind and have nothing better to do... maybe because my twin is at the beach in Santa Monica and I am doing my best to not be insanely jealous (alright, so that is not working too well lol)...
Whatever it is, for the moment I am having fun :)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
No Contest.
My original assumption that who you go with makes all the difference in the world when it comes to the event holds true. Because real friends watch out for each other…
Saturday, August 23, 2008
A Change From the Norm: Girls Night!!
Last weekend I went bar hopping with my good friend Renee. This weekend I am going club hopping with my friend Lancaster.
Some of the things that I loved about last weekend was the fact that there is no cover on bars and that the crowds were manageable (ie you were not mauled and grouped while navigating thru the sea of people on the way to the bathroom.. not that I even used the bathroom but for some reason whoever I am with always needs to use it at least a couple of times). Not only am I going to do a comparison between the two crowd wise and entertainment wise, but financially as well. Now it would be a less bias comparision if I was to go with the same people each time (who knows if I would have more fun one time based just on the company because Renee and I would have a great time just sitting in a gas station parking lot) but unfortunately she is MIA this weekend so I will have to make due with my experiment the way it is. It is only slightly confounded and will not make a significant difference ;)
So!! Aside from the fact that I am desperately needing to buy a new dress, I am very excited for this evening....
Friday, August 22, 2008
Bars vs. Clubs: A Case Study (Part 1)
Little Black Dress night officially took place on Saturday, August 16th. It was a belated birthday celebration for one of my friends because I was in Boston on the date of her original birthday. I came fully equipped with a list of different bars and places we could go to in The Pearl and downtown but mostly in The Pearl because lets face it, its my favorite part of town.
First stop on the list: Trust.
This bar is on the corner of 9th and Everett and was recommended to us by another friend when I told her what it was that we were doing that night. It was around 7pm, we were more than turning heads with our attire and when walking towards this place we decided that we were a little overdressed (and to be honest the place didnt really fit our style anyways) so we kept on walking towards 12th.
Because I wanted to do things that were new and different the place we went to next wasn't on the list but after she told me that she had never actually ordered anything from the place the decision was quickly made to go to oBa.
This bar is one of my favorites; they make the best key lime pie martini's in town (fully equipped with a graham cracker crust rim on the glass) and is located on near 12th and Everett. After walking in the door and discovering on the end of a day with a record high temperature of 105 degrees that they had no air conditioning we decided to have one drink and leave before we melted. Instantly we were both glistening and the fact that we were sticking to the chairs was very concerning (sure, we were wearing black but the last thing we want are sweat spots).
Out the door we go, and we head up the street to Bluehour.
On our way to 13th and Everett, where this place is located, we see a crowd of picketers outside the landing/stairs. They had signs and blowhorns and got louder and louder the closer we got. When they saw that we were actually going into this restaurant/bar they started screaming as us to not go inside this "inhumane establishment" or "any place that serves Foie Gras". After getting inside and sitting down at the dimly lit bar we asked the bartender what the issue was and what Foie Gras even was (because you know how it is, all the hype AGAINST the dish was actually making me consider trying it lol). Turns out it is duck liver and what is inhumane about it is the fact that the birds are force fed during the last two weeks of their lives. Liver? Eh, no thanks. But we did enjoy two distinctively good drinks in a very calm, quiet, classy, upper scale atmosphere.
Next, Henry's.
It was time to eat so we headed up towards burnside and stopped off at yet another place that was not on the list due to the rate we frequent this bar but whatever, the food is good and the list was just for suggestion anyways... not hardfast. It is Saturday night, and like always, the place is packed. We made a couple of rounds around the bar and I was about to suggest we sit in the restaurant due to the lack of seating when a table suddenly appears out of no where. As is Henry's style, we snatched it up asap and waited for someone to come over and clean it. She learned the hard way to never order a rusty nail, and I learned that beer on an empty stomach isn't necessarily a good idea. The food was excellent, calamari and a blue cheese bacon burger hehe and it wasnt long before two people asked to join us. We were in a particularly good mood (and were nice and cool because they don't skimp on the A/C) so we said what the hell. The company wasnt bad, but pretty soon it was midnight and we didn't want to spend the whole evening there.....
One of the places that I wanted to go to for sure on this evening was Portland City Grill but being that we were both full we decided to stop by one of her favorite places instead: Kells (it is for HER birthday after all lol)
Quite the difference from the bars we were at before, but just as fun! We are pretty much regulars there and were instantly recognized by the bar staff. The place was packed but we were invited to sit at a table by one gentleman. Little did we know that that guy was actually with a huge group of guys and before long we were surrounded..... The drink that we always order there is called an "east coast" and they know to pile them on with cherries :)
Before long it was 3am, and lets just say that one of the guys was getting rather clingy and didnt want to let us leave. I'm sorry, but to honestly think that we (or that I was going to let her) would even consider going back to your place to "continue hanging out" is just ridiculous. So being that I somehow found a parking spot right in front of the bar we got in the car and headed home.
All in all a very fun evening, something that I more than definitely am sure to do again hehe.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
A Foiled Kidnapping
Next time!
Meanwhile I was able to spend some time not only with my nephew but with my little niece who is aging ever-so-gracefully... almost a month old now!
Here she is sleeping on the couch next to me:

Here she is starting to hurt my poor little arm:

Being that I was not there to solely see this little girl I feel it only appropriate to be a proud auntie of number one (my number one just so happened to sneak his way into this picture as well but I cannot forget the number one! We are just as important, if not more so hehe):

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The chain is about to be placed back on my ankle
August 25th marks the first day of my last semester as an undergraduate!
December 12th, 2008 is quicking coming, and will be the day I have been waiting for for over 8 years. I have been waiting so long to be able to say that I am in my last semester; to see the light at the end of the first tunnel.... (the Confucius quote: "it doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you do not stop" seems to fit very well in this situation hehe)
Sure, I may end up taking classes Spring semester because if I get into the school I am wanting I will need the classes for pre-req's and I won't be able to start there until Fall of 09 AND because it is already covered financially by means of grants and scholarships so there is no reason NOT to take them.... but I will officially have my degree December 12th!!
So excited.
One thing...
Being that I am graduating in December and WSUV is not having a graduation ceremony that term, I will be having to do the ceremony in Pullman.
Those who want to go let me know, I can arrange for a flight to get there for a few people :)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Plans that go Awry.
The plan that I had in place was not entirely researched, but based on the words of one man and the facts and figures from one website. Had I known the process was going to be as it was I would have saved myself from a lot of stress and had not stepped into the ring in the first place.
But now I am here and I am at a loss for what to do.
If I step out now it'll be one of the biggest embarrassments I've ever known.
But to stay in is seemingly impossible.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Today Portland, Tomorrow Idaho Falls
The weather is supposed to be a mild 98 degrees and sunny for the next two days...
And after looking at the map I saw that we will be driving past the Great Salt Lake! Let me tell you, this is more than exciting to me! Now, after looking at the satellite map of it, the water looks less than desirable for even dipping my toe in but hopefully I will get to experience what it is like to swim in it...
We go from here to Seattle, from Seattle to Bozeman, from Bozeman to Idaho Falls since for some reason the more direct flights are oversold. I'm crossing my fingers, because from the looks of it we may end up spending the day in Seattle! Ha!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
[title unknown]
To not even trust my own judgment. To be smiling and laughing on the outside but so closed off and guarded on the inside that actually being receptive is impossible. To understand me takes a certain quality, the problem is that most people don’t even realize what it is they are truly dealing with… underneath the outer shell.
I need to get on a plane!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Another Night on the Town.
Even the coffee that I have had today has has no effect on my lethargic demeanor. At least I can say though that I had a good enough time last night that I actually feel like it was sort of worth my suffering today hehe.
My friend L was running extremely late due to circumstances outside of her control and I was sitting at Henry's sitting at a table examining the happy hour menu and waiting for the server to come take my order. Normally I am ok with this, but on this occasion due to the fact that the place was so packed I felt somewhat bad that I had this table all to myself. So I told her that if she didnt hurry up I was going to be compelled to give her spot to someone else; which was what I ended up having to do.
A.. younger.. gentleman, after noticing I let someone take two of the chairs that was at my table, decided to make conversation by pointing out the ever so observant fact that I was giving away all my chairs and I decided to make him my victim. Hehe. It worked and I had a nice conversation for the next little while, well more like hour, while I waited. And it was an interesting conversation at that... talk of checking surfboards and bicycles onto airplanes when he flew company business keeping in mind that his "company" he works for is the US government hence it is people like you and I that are paying all these excess weight and baggage fees just so this kid could go and have a good time while he was on "business".. yeah... I let him know my views on that. And walking your dog at a school that you don't even go to?? I will never understand why people do that.. It is a campus, not a nature hike.
Finally!! She arrives and it was like a switch went off and my attentional focus went from him to all her and he ended up going away... I didnt mean to be mean, it just happened! :D
The remainder of the evening went as follows:
I had a gay man wanting to borrow my shorts
I have learned you can never have too many olives
Or cherries for that matter
A half a cherry is only ok only if you know what happened to the other half
Chicken Wings and Crab Cakes are no where near the same thing
An Irish pub is an IRISH Pub; don't expect anything more!
We have a great story to scare even the most "honest" bartender away
Come two am we were kicked to the curb and we found our way back to my car. I was in a talkative mood; she needed a bathroom. Its not that I didnt believe her (I mean, she didnt just use the bathroom not ten minutes before or anything) I just couldnt stop talking! And talking.. And talking :)
Like right now! I could keep going and going... but I think I will drop off now........ oh yes. Who needs a conclusion?