Thursday, August 28, 2008

Insomnia Haunts Me.

And I don't know why.

Like right now, at this moment, I should be sleeping. I have to be up early for class tomorrow yet here I sit... at first I was reading my book for class like a good student but my ever so distractable mind pulled me away and sat me in front of this screen once again.
I stare at pictures, or read thru blogs, or lately, browse thru plurks of people on the other side of the globe, ...... basically not doing anything productive. Sometimes I just stare at the screen!

My mind is running, but I don't know from what.
My heart is pounding like I've been enduring something strenuous, but I have yet to move from this spot.
I feel like I am waiting, but I don't know for what.

To close my eyes willingly would only bring forth another day; is the future what I am afraid of?

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