I went to kidnap my nephew yesterday but because I hadn't seen my sister in so long we ended up sitting there chatting for a few hours and the kidnapping plan was foiled :(
Next time!
Meanwhile I was able to spend some time not only with my nephew but with my little niece who is aging ever-so-gracefully... almost a month old now!
Here she is sleeping on the couch next to me:

For some reason it doesnt matter how small she is, holding her for extended periods hurts my arm! lol. Not to say that I am a weakling or anything... well... no! I'm not! haha
Here she is starting to hurt my poor little arm:

Ya ya, I am not holding her right, but I dont want to hear it :)
Being that I was not there to solely see this little girl I feel it only appropriate to be a proud auntie of number one (my number one just so happened to sneak his way into this picture as well but I cannot forget the number one! We are just as important, if not more so hehe):

Please don't ask me what was playing on the television because I will refuse to tell you being that I do not want to admit to what I was actually watching for a few minutes there... hehe
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