Thursday, May 28, 2009

Undergrad No More.

Its a weird feeling. Graduating from college. Being finished with a seemingly life long goal. But to be honest, it doesn't even feel as if anything has changed. I am supposed to be "educated" now, right? Not to say that I didn't learn anything in my years at the university, but I think that the most important thing that I learned was a poignant life lesson that I hope to instill in everyone: Don't go to private schools unless you are prepared to pay for them in the end. While all my credits from The Art Institute did transfer to WSU so they were not wasted per se, had I gone to WSU the entire time it would have saved me thousands of dollars in the end in tuition costs.
Now I stand motionless in the wind. Graduate school? What would I study? To take a break means student loan payments will be due June 7th, but not knowing exactly what I want to do makes it difficult to decide on a school, let alone be happy and willing to add even more debt to the pile.
I do love Psychology and what it intails. I think I would do good in a counseling setting, maybe in an elementary school or something to that effect. But shouldnt I KNOW if it was something that I REALLY wanted to do? Maybe I should just continue to work my way up the ladder at my current place of employment..
There are no guarantees after I finish grad school anyways..
But will I be happy with simply a BS?
Decisions, Decisions...

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