Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Deli Annoyances

Something that really bothers me about deli’s…
Why is it that whenever I order something from a deli, no matter where it is I go, if I ask for a half a pound I always, inevitably, get 2/3 lbs unless I raise a fuss when they say:
ooop, I went over, is that ok?”
is it a half a pound?”
no, it’s a little over..”
well didn’t I ask for a half a pound? Can you please make it a half a pound?”
Then I get a look of disgust as they take whatever it is (typically jo-jos for e) out of the bag. Come on, when you weighed it the first time it was at 1/3lbs… Why then would you put that same amount in the bag on the second scoop? That boy does not need to eat 2/3 lb of jo-jo's no matter how skinny he is.

I am thinking that I am going to start ordering 1/3 lb and when they “accidentally” go over, because I am thinking that they are told to always go over the amount people actually want to get rid of more food, I will actually get the amount I really want. Its kinda like if you are wanting me to be somewhere at 5:30 its prob best to tell me 5:20 lol

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