I have never seen Spiderman 2 from start to finish (don’t even ask me the plot of Spiderman 3), the only reason I know the characters of Batman is because of E and aside from Superman (who’s latest movie I didn’t even feel the slightest desire to rent when it came out) those are pretty much the only comic book hero’s that I could name right now (well, aside from Wonder Woman but I know about her, or more specifically her costume, for reasons other than comic books or movies hehe).
So when I roped myself into going and seeing Iron Man last night I thought that it was going to be yet another Spiderwick Chronicles experience with me sitting there making a list for all the groceries I needed from the grocery store the next day.
Not so.
Surprisingly, I was engrossed from the opening scene.
I came into the movie knowing nothing about it whatsoever. The only reason I even knew it was coming out was due to a poster I saw at the theatre a couple of days ago when I was trying to come up with something I could bride E with to not get his name on the board at school. That and after seeing the initial flight scene in the film it brought back memories of a guy at work forcing me to watch the trailer on the big screen in the office:
“you have GOT to see this!! No!! You HAVE to!!” …..(trailer rolling)…."ok, lets watch it again!”
(I’m not making this up).
I don’t typically take movie-going advice from the guys that I work with tho, being that in their opinion “Mr. Woodcock” is a 10/10.
The plot was witty and fun but most importantly it was there. There really were not too many surprises, despite the attempt at a major plot twist (I am sorry, but I know that I was not the only one to see that coming; proof of this coming from the guy sitting in the seat beside me who said, “the writers really thought they were going to get a gasp out of us with that one, didn’t they?”). I really liked the special effects, and the costumes but I think what I liked the most about the film was Robert Downey Jrs performance. I really feel that he made the film. Even the scenes with him interacting solely with his robotics it were still very interesting to behold.
I have a feeling that I will probably not like the second or the third one (when they inevitably will come out) as much as I did this one because what I found interesting was the process of coming up with the design and exploring new ideas. I thought it was great for E to see that with imagination, dedication and hard work (and multi-millions at your disposal of course) anything is possible.
Regrettfully, I missed the "Bonus Scene" that I found out was after the credits when searching for a good iron man picture. After searching a little more however, I found that that scene would have probably not meant a thing to me being that I know very little about comic book heros and from reading what the scene was it would have been lost on me.
I would like to conclude with a heartfelt thank you to my little boy who, for being good, allowed me to have those 2 hours to escape from my reality and enjoy a good film. If it wasnt for that, and the fact that I keep my word, I wouldn't have gone and seen this and thus not felt at peace. Its been a while since I have had such a clear, quiet mind. Least for those 2 hours.
So I'm back. yup. I even added your site on my page hehe. E needs to be good more often lol so you get out more. I want to see the movie so bad. I'll probably end up renting it for 3 bucks hehe :)
I can see myself buying it.. so you can always just come on over and watch it with us :)
Save you $3 in movie money, cost you $10 in gas money... ha ha ha
LOL riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I'll have to think about that one!
LOL Oh and I forgot to mention the part about "Mr. Woodcock". Yea their opinions of that movie were horribly wrong. Wrong Wrong Wrong. We should have left the theater.
Mr. Woodcock, Balls of Fury, Good Luck Chuck..... need I go on? LOL
Sure. LOL Please do!
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