Sunday, December 28, 2008

Is asking for love too much?

Its been a(n)............ interesting year.
Full of its ups and downs, but honestly, this year has felt like there have been more downs than ups. I lost my best friend of over 4 years over a comment made about McCain losing the election. I lost another good friend of not so long of a time frame over a guy. I lost the one who called himself my best friend, one whom I was so happy to have back in my life, again over another woman.
Hmm.. so far it seems that the only bad things that have happened in my life this year have to do with relationships, but for some reason they have the capability to consume your thoughts and keep you from being thankful for the good things in life.
I have my health. I have a good job. I have a warm place to live, a nice reliable car and family and friends that love me. Maybe asking for love at this point is asking for too much?

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