You have come across the random ramblings of an animated, adventurous, city girl who loves to share her ideas on just about anything to anyone who would care to listen.... These are my thoughts and experiences.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Go ahead, stick it to the French President. Twelve times in fact.

Monday, November 24, 2008
With the Moon and sextile Pluto? What?
"Deep emotions will be expressed today with the Moon sextile Pluto. Memories that were buried and forgotten will resurface. Courageously, you will face the past. This combination will help you go after something you want with passion and zeal"
Now, if only it was to say what the outcome of the facing of the past would be..
But that would be too easy, wouldn't it?
An essential element that cannot be missing.
It can cause knots and painful sensations in an otherwise healthy gut.
It can cause someone who is deathly tired to not be able to sleep for hours.
Wondering, and waiting...
Doubting and disbelieving...
Tossing and turning...
Sour and suffering.
What am I talking about?
Something that once gone is very difficult to regain, and even more difficult if there is no effort to regain it.
Honestly, I think that unless it does come back, and come back soon, something drastic must be done to end the perpetual suffering that not having it causes.......
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Its the little things that can make all the difference
This feeling of happiness is so foreign to me that I am almost waiting for the dream to end and for me to wake up in my bed as I was before..
But it seems to me that I am truly awake, and I am loving life.
The cause of my current jubilation came in the form of a wake up call at 5am this morning. It was so simple, but to me, its the little things that matter the most. For someone to take the time to remember to call me when they said they would; to take time out of their day just for me.. well, it means the world. The smile that came with the realization of who was calling this morning has yet to leave my face...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Oh how fast everything can change.
So to say that I was a little apprehensive on the way down would be an understatement. I felt more nervous then I did when giving a live speech in front of 100's of people. I couldn't eat anything and for some reason I had to keep reminding myself to breathe.
I was amusing myself to say the least.
It was even worse after I finally did get there, I felt like a giddy school girl whose crush just tagged her on the playground at recess, but I didn't mind the feeling; I was happy. Something that I haven't felt in that fashion in a long time. All the fears that I had felt vanished as soon as he got out of the car to come and greet me. There was no awkwardness, it was as if we had just stepped right back into the way things were ages ago. I finally got the hug that I had been wishing for all weekend and I can truly say that it felt good to be home again in his arms.
For some reason time had rocket blasters attached it its boots that day because before I knew it it was already time to go. It was the quickest 3 hours that I have ever known, but in those hours everything that I had been hoping for was confirmed and I walked away knowing that I had made the right decision.
You never know unless you try and if you want something you most definitely have to ask.. who knows, the answer may be just exactly what you were wanting to hear.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Iranian Censorship ... amazing...

Lets play a little game of what is different between the two photographs. Study the picture above very carefully, look for anything that you may consider to be obscene, tasteless or worthy of censorship. After you feel like you know the photo take a look down at the second picture because it was what was published in an Iranian Newspaper.
(only scroll down when you are ready to laugh)

To live in a country where even a posting like this would be considered a jailable offense baffles me. Yes, I do believe in national pride, and not wanting to leave the homelands, but why subject yourself to this sort of torture? It is no way to live.
(courtesy of http://jadi.net/)
Friday, November 14, 2008
A Sunny Day Spent at Isabel in the Pearl - and a little bit about Tully's
My 7am wake up call was no different than any other, aside from the fact that there was a little something on my phone which warmed my heart (hmm...), after hitting the snooze at least 3 times I finally got up because I tired of hearing the snide Republican remarks on the annoying AM radio station I have my alarm set to (when I had it set to a station that I liked I would find myself sleeping right on thru it, so only hitting the button 3 times is a much better alternative if I do say so myself).
I dropped E off at school and on the way home I decided to stop by the new Tully's that they recently put in on 78th and what I believe to be Hazel Dell Avenue (right next to the LA Fitness). I had heard many good things about this place from an ex friend up in Seattle and I wanted to see what all the hoopla was about. Because I was not dressed for public (what happens if I want to get E to school on time) I opted for the drive thru.
As drove away with my typical (of late) Grande Soy Vanilla Latte in hand I took a sip...
Backing up a few moments before this, when I was handed my drink I noticed that it felt significantly lighter than my typical drink, and there was water all over the lid. No big deal, I don't want my drink spat in so I didnt say anything. With my first sip I couldnt tell if the drink tasted so watery because of the fact that it seemed to have been held over the faucet or if the soy itself was actually watery but I was able to discern a very delicious espresso flavor which I loved. My final impression: Don't buy the soy from Tully's. I will give them one more shot with a regular, dairy variety, latte, but probably not any time soon.
After heading to the gym for a vigorous work out, which I am paying for today, I went downtown to meet up with my good friend Ivonne for our weekly lunch excursion. This week we opted for Isabel, a new, modern chic healthy food type of venue.
The food was great, very fresh, very tasty, and very recommendable. Our waiter was a little sketchy... but he left us alone for the most part so that was a plus in his direction. We arrived right during the peak of the lunch rush, but we didnt have to wait at all for our table, and we got a perfect corner seat right by the windows. It was chattery, but not loud at all, ideal for conversation. Most definitely a place I will want to try again.
Since the day was perfect for walking, almost with out a coat even, we decided to do a little window shopping before we went our separate ways. Breathing in the crisp fresh air, with the sun streaming on your face, with a slight breeze running through your hair, does wonders for the senses.. :)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Death by Politics
Politics can bring out the best and the worst in people...
...and you would think that now that the election is over Hyde would go away and this said individual would go back to being Jekyll but unfortunately this doesn't seem to be the case.
Emotions ran high during the presidential race but in no way does that justify treating anyone in the opposite party with disrespect. There is even less reason to justify acting with obscene vulgarity towards someone who is supposedly your friend.
I said that I needed an apology and apparently that was too much to ask.
After as many years of friendship that the two of us shared, I would have never guessed it would have ended like this.
Change can be a good thing.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I finally upgraded: Blackberry Curve 8330

This phone went thru hell and back and is still functional, with the same battery it came with in 2005, to this day. Three days after I got it, on a Sunday stroll it started raining, who'd of guessed it, but the phone fell out of my pocket in my haste back to the house and was out in the torrential rain for a good 20 minutes before I found it. After a thorough dry out it was working just fine..
This phone has fell over 60 feet from the bleachers at a blazer game and when the attendant brought it back up for me not only was it still in once piece but it was on and working as if nothing had happened at all.
I have thrown it in the garbage in the pearl, dropped it too many times to have kept count..
The most recent abuse was when my dog, Charlotte, decided that she wanted to try and eat this shinny thing that I always have in my hand.
Through it all, it withstood the torture and always had a crystal clear signal and service from Alaska to the Grand Canyon to Utah to the woods of Alabama..
But with its age its prime function for me was starting to get difficult, and that was text messaging. It was getting annoying enough that it actually started to curve the amount I would text message, causing me to opt for *gasp* actually talking on the phone.
We can't have that now, can we?
Time to get a new phone!
After doing my

Friday, November 7, 2008
Tree Scene 114 by Hajime Namiki

Its only $425 for my own copy.. and Christmas IS coming up soon. Hmm... hehe
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Quality makes that much of a difference.
I threw it as far away from myself as possible, yet here it is again.. polished, shiny and better than ever.
Very, very grateful am I because with everything that has been going on in my life of late its nice to feel like I have my best friend back :)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
They say everything happens for a reason. I'd like to have a talk with They.
If A leads to B and B leads to C and C leads to D why is it that for me A leads to B, B leads to B, and yes, you guessed it C and D both lead to B? Maybe I am out of the loop on this one, but that does not seem very progressive to me.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Is it too late to retract my vote??