I am more than appalled at the moment.
Take a second to read THIS ARTICLE. Or, if you don't have an extra second, let me sum up the key points.
An eight year old boy was taken to a gun show in Westfield, MA where he was given a fully loaded, fully automatic 9mm Micro Uzi to fire. As the little boy pulled the trigger the gun recoiled, he lost control and ended up fatally shooting himself in the head.
Now, this isn’t the case a child finding a gun that was lying around somewhere. No, this gun was "prepped" by an instructor and given to him with his father standing near by.
I have nothing against guns. On the contrary, I believe that responsible people should be allowed to have them, but a Micro Uzi? What justification can any person have that would warrant the need for a gun that can fire up to 25 rounds in less than 30 seconds? Even more baffling to me would be why anyone in their right mind would feel it was appropriate for a child of that age to handle a weapon of that magnitude. And to be honest, when I realized the instructor had loaded the gun before handing it to him I had to read the sentence again.
Does anyone wonder why people call for more stringent gun laws? Its people like this that smear the good name and judgment of the rest of us.
8-Year-Old Accidentally Exercises Second Amendment Rights
WESTFIELD, Massachusetts—Gun owners nationwide are applauding the patriotic, though accidental, exercise of Second Amendment rights by 8-year-old Christopher Bizilj this weekend.
"Christopher is a symbol of American heroism," said NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre from Bizilj' bedside at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Mass. where the boy was pronounced dead on arrival from a self-inflicted uzi wound. "While praying for the members of Westfield Sportsman's Club, we should all thank God that his inalienable right to keep and bear arms has not been infringed."
"The framers of the Constitution would be so proud of what my boy did yesterday," said Bizilj' father Charles Bizilj. "If 8-year-old boys discharging loaded automatic weapons into their own heads isn't necessary to the maintenance of a well-regulated militia, I don't know what is."
Police said Christopher Bizilj (Bah-SEAL) of Ashford, Conn., was pronounced dead at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Mass. on Sunday afternoon, shortly after firing a 9mm micro Uzi submachine gun at the Machine Gun Shoot and Firearms Expo at the Westfield Sportsman's Club, co-sponsored by C.O.P. Firearms & Training.
The machine gun shoot drew hundreds of people from as far away as Maine and Virginia to the sporting club's 375-acre compound. An advertisement said it would include machine gun demonstrations and rentals and free handgun lessons.
Doctors worked for six hours to reconstruct Christopher Bizilj' skull, which shattered from the impact of the high-velocity teflon-coated slug.
"The weapon was loaded and ready to fire," Westfield Police Lt. Hipolito Nunez said. "The 8-year-old victim had the Uzi and as he was firing the weapon, the front end of the weapon went up with the backfire and he ended up receiving a round in his head."
"For years, the people who want to take away our freedoms have said that we're not smart enough or responsible enough to own sub-machine," Charles added. "Christopher is proof that even a child is capable of using an Uzi for its intended purpose."
NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre says that his organization is praising Bizilj' "commitment to the American way."
Gun owners nationwide have flooded Bizilj' home with flowers, letters of congratulations and invitations for his younger brother to "come shooting." Area firearms enthusiast and family friend Lloyd Stone showed his support by donating 18 boxes of ammunition to the gun club to celebrate the boy’s inalienable right to bear arms.
"He may be just a boy, but this use of the Second Amendment was a man-sized undertaking," Stone said. "Christopher’s family may need counseling for the rest of their lives, but with every tear they shed, they'll realize what the Constitution really means."
Although the family of Bizilj has yet to deliver an official statement on the incident, a neighbor told well wishers who had a prayer vigil outside the family trailer that they were looking forward to the day that every club member would be given a special commemorative urn engraved with a silhouette of little Christopher’s fractures head.
Although gun-control advocates have criticized the boy's gun use, the NRA was quick to respond, calling Bizilj' use of much-protested, teflon-coated "cop-killer" bullets "a victory for America."
"Christopher should be held up as an example to people who think we don't need these bullets—or fully automatic assault weapons, or concealable handguns which are impervious to metal detectors, for that matter," said NRA spokesman president Wayne LaPierre, who plans to congratulate Bizilj’s father in person as soon as he is through lobbying for Senate repeal of recently passed legislation mandating background checks for gun buyers.
"If we ban teflon-coated bullets, automatic weapons would be next," LaPierre said. "Then all handguns. Next thing you know, the law would deny our citizens' children the personal freedom to blow holes through their own heads."
NRA lobbyist Tom Korologos agreed. "Christopher’s heroic accident happened because we live in the greatest country in the world," he said. "Had he grown up in Japan, England or Russia, he wouldn't able to do what he did today."
"Restrictive laws would have kept him 'safe' at home—and they would have justified it by telling us it was for his own good," Korologos added. "That's not the type of country I'd want my children to grow up in."
"Christopher is a shining example to gun-owning families everywhere," Bizilj' mother told reporters. "I am proud that my boy has followed in the footsteps of the many thousands of patriotic children who have already demonstrated their commitment to the U.S. Constitution in this same way.
This all comes as wonderful news!!
I'd say this lil punk should get his very own "Darwin" award! To boot, his death has the added advantage of raising the IQ level of the rest of the American gene pool!
Go NRA!!! Brain dead scumbags...
What kind of name for a gun nut is "Wayne LaPierre" anyway?!?!?!?
Sounds kinda "creepy-gay" to me...
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