Saturday, July 5, 2008

Politics and Potato Chips

After much debate last night about the current presidential candidates I decided to gain a little information about the two contenders myself today to see what all the hype and hoopla is about. Not to say that I am not concerned with politics, I just have never really been THAT into it, mostly because I do not feel like any difference is made whether I vote for one or another in a presidential election. I am a registered voter, I have been called up for jury duty (which I so graciously got out of due to my full time student status... my full time employee status and full time single mother status didn't seem to make a difference, but the end goal was just getting out of the additional time commitment) and I have voted in a majority of the local elections. But the presidential election has always seemed quite pointless to me being that as everyone knows the popular vote does not elect the president.
Needless to say, I have to be able to stand my democratic ground with my overtly republican family so research on the candidates I will do!
First impressions, Obama really does seem like he could be a serious contender for the position. He has a good stance on the energy crisis, his wartime politics are very attractive to a war-torn country that doesn't wish to be war-torn and his over all dedication to change feels like it could be the breath of fresh air that America needs. But then again, its always so hard to gauge a real representation of a person from a website that is sponsored by the said individual or other websites dedicated to smear the name of any decent person running for any political office.
No surprise, my first impression of McCain isn't a very good one. He seems very "Bush-esque" with a hardnosed policy to continue the war and indications of future conflict with unstable countries such as Iran. Does America really need any more enemies in this world? I believe that now is the time to redeem our reputation within the "world community" and step up to be the respectable and responsible country we once were known for. Other than his stance on the war, he doesn't seem to have any hardline policies on anything that would make the changes our economy needs. What is the point of drilling for oil in the outer coastal shelf? This seems to me to be a temporary bandaide for a very large, on going problem. Shouldn't we be investing our time and money on ways to kick our oil habit all together by making alternative energy a more feasible source for our fuel in the future? Overall, it seems to me that to elect McCain would be sentancing the country to yet another four years of the Bush regime.

On a lighter note, I read today that Pringles Potato Chips are not infact classified as potato chips in Britian. With only 42% of its make up actually containing potato, do I really want to know what the remaining 58% "chip" is made up of? One could venture to guess...

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