So, we started off at Henry's Tavern for a quick drink and something lite to eat. After circling the bar many times we finally located a decent location to sit, right at the bar. I went and found a cozy location for our coats to hang as they pushed the three seats together in preparation of the night ahead. A Mango Mohito, Raspberry Drop, some other fruity martini which I don't remember the name of at this moment and we were good to go. Really, nothing much exciting happened here aside from the little incident with the female bartender. So I will move on quickly, as we did from this bar. (There was a little run in with an old friend outside the bar, some things never change. I am glad that I did.)
Next up: Blitz

This cozy little bar is found in the Pearl, and was the reason that I opted to not do the little black dress that evening. We went there with the intention of meeting up with a bartender friend for some free drinks. Up to the bar we sit, they order drinks, I, being responsible and not wanting a repeat of the weekend before, opted to not have anything at that moment.
We ended up getting there rather early, it was around 9pm, so there wasnt much going on but the bar started to fill up quickly. There were these two guys that were sitting across the bar from us that in my opinion, if you put them together, would make a great representation of Michael Moore, that wouldnt stop staring at us. Not one of us would make eye contact with the guys but stare on they did. Next thing we know we all have shots of tequila in front of us and the bartender informs us that the guys across the bar had purchased them for us. We sat there dumbfounded. I was about to pick up my shot, walk it across the bar and give it back to them with a resounding "No Thanks" when someone convinced me otherwise... Oh I think it would have been funny! But no, not this time. So on the bar our drinks sat until the guys finally gave up and left the bar. Once they were gone there was no point in passing up free alcohol so a lime and some salt on my wrist later and I was good to go.
So a little while later J's cousin arrives and say that we should go to this club downtown. This dance club where there will be food and we'll have a good time. Ok, that sounds good. I am getting tired of sitting at this bar anyways (even if torturing all the men around me was quite entertaining) and since yet another female bartender was giving us trouble with us trying to order food I was all for getting out of there.
We're told that this dance club is called Ground Zero and is on 5th and Couch. I had never heard of this place before, and when we drove past it and there was no line I was kinda worried. When we got to the door and went inside I... Well....... This is what we found:
Ok when I think of a DANCE CLUB I mean PHYSICAL dancing! Not on an arcade! Not only was it horrible, but there was no way that I would trust food from this place. It was the low of the evening that is for sure and if we didnt make it out of there soon it was gong to be a repeat of the original birthday weekend! J didnt know that this was what this place was going to be so she says that we'll leave in 5 minutes. 5 minutes was all we'd have to spend in this place. Ok, so I can deal with 5 minutes.
I had a quarter in my pocket from a tip I got from a friend at work today so I plunged it into a speed boat racing game and got 7th place. I felt like I was at Chuck E Cheese with E. That's right. Ok, by this time it had been 5 minutes and I had it. My stomach was at the point to where it was so hungry that it was protesting and decided that to teach me a lesson it was going to eat itself. So I grab a very drunk K and we went out to find some food. You see normally it is me that is the tipsy one and she is the one leading me on. Not this night. Arm in arm we walk, me the protector, I fit well in this position (just ask anyone.. hehe). Where to go, where to go, where to go.......... we look up, almost in unison.....
Portland City Grill
Somehow we always end up at this place.
Tonight we ended up at a nice window booth, eating teriyaki chicken spring rolls and eventually, after waiting for them to make us a piece of chocolate hazelnut cheesecake from scratch we enjoyed that as well.
All in all the evening was great. I went home with a smile on my face and woke this morning feeling quite refreshed. Altho next weekend I do believe that I am going to be laying low... Going out three weekends in a row has gotten to be quite tiring... but I really cannot wait until the next time the three of us go galavanting about downtown portland after hours... hehe
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