It’s so easy to take things for granted when you have them. I for one have fallen victim to this. To plan things, to manage time, to work out schedules all with the hopes and expectations that the things will be accomplished in the time you allot. Typically for me this always works out. No matter how down to the wire I plan things I always get things done. Not the case when you loose your health.
I am never sick.
Least not until come Tuesday night when the headache started.
I thought that it was just due to the fact that I had a big exam for my Cognition class and was overloading on my note cards, but after the exam was over and done with the headache didn’t leave with my apprehension. I was tired and attempted to go to bed early but if you know me you know that that never happens.
The next day I woke not feeling the greatest, but I attributed it to other things, forced myself out of bed and went downtown. While I was sitting on a bench, basking in the sun reading “Prisoner without a name, cell without a number” (or maybe it’s the other way around?? Haha, still loopy on my 10% alcohol cold medicine). Anyways, I was sitting there and I started to feel really dizzy and my nose was starting to run uncontrollably. Ok, time to get home.
So from there I headed up to the school to kill some time before I had to get E so I was on the computer when it really started to get me. My eyes were watering, I couldn’t stop sneezing and you know, even if you blow your nose onto a tissue it still feels just wrong to pick up the mouse again… sorry whoever sat there after me!
That night I couldn’t sleep longer than 20 minutes at a stretch. I was hot, cold, HOT, COLD!!! I was sneezing 12 times in a row! And couldn’t stop coughing. I was to the point to where I was going to the dr first thing in the morning (and I don’t go to the dr unless I absolutely have to).
That morning I made out a list of priorities for me to do
A) Get E to school
B) Get to the store to pick up some meds and OJ because I ran out of the cold medicine I had the night before
C) Somehow make it home
This is the horrible thing about being single, the fact that even when you are so sick you can hardly stand up you still have to take care of everything on your own. It doesn’t matter, it still has to be done. Now, I didn’t even think about going to my statistics class yesterday, I was sleeping. And come 3pm I drug myself out of bed to go back and pick E up yet again. Next thing I knew it was 9pm and again I had to force myself up to head up to Woodland. On my way up the stairs I was so cold my body started convulsing! I didn’t know how I was going to make it to work today, but somehow, come 5am when the alarm went off this morning, I wasn’t feeling half as bad as I was yesterday. And I didn’t want to call in so off to work I went. Hopefully I will be 100% by Saturday…. Right K?? hahaha
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