Friday, April 10, 2009

Cape Horn Trail - A Great Hike on the Washington Side of the Gorge

This last Tuesday I found myself on my way up the Washington side of the Gorge for a nice little hike on Cape Horn Trail. I was told that it was an eight mile loop with breath taking views, waterfalls and raging rivers. Ok, well maybe he didnt say anything about a "raging" rivers, but I was under the impression that the water would be, well, raging.
Unfortunately for me, and him, I was not ready for this trail. Ever since Sunday my appetite had been MIA and I hardly ate a thing for those three days. Now you put me on a decent incline and expect me to keep up with someone that walks around outside all day, every day? I think I would have had a chance on a normal day, but this day.. no.
So even though I had to stop every other minute, once we finally did make it to the top the views were well worth my shame.

The wind was about as remarkable as the views were...

My photographic license states that I can take pictures however I'd like to, but here is one without all the trees in the way.

One of the little creeks we encountered. As you can see, raging would not be the correct word to describe this. Trickling?

This trail was actually really fun, and the day was great. It did get a little muddy part of the time, but this really wasn't a problem. I think I would be up to trying it again with a little more time available and after carbo-loading the night before.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Very pretty! you are getting a lot of time in the great outdoors!

PS- I fixed my comments!