Thursday, June 19, 2008

Do people really have this much time on their hands??

9/11. A horrific event. Terrorist inspired. Or was it? Did you know that there are theories out there stating that it was not the work of terrorists but the work of the devil due to the fact that you can see his face in the smoke of the world trade center?
Did you know that the planes did not cause the buildings to collapse? Did you know that it was actually a highly covert, planned demolition? Somehow a demolition team was able to set up all the explosive devices necessary to take down a building of that size totally undetected by the 1000’s of people that were in the building that day.
Oh and the plane that hit the second tower was actually not an American Airlines jet but a military plane because eyewitnesses say that they didn’t see any windows on the plane that went into the building. Oh and it was grey. I don’t know about you but I know that if I would have been standing outside of the site that is exactly what I would have been thinking: “OMG there is an airplane going into that building!! Oh look at that little window on the side of the plane; I wonder when the last time they washed that?? I think I see some spots…
I had always heard about all the elaborate conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 but never before had I been forced to watch them. Well, not forced, but I did want the extra credit that was available for my Research Methods class... that is my excuse for watching the videos. But I guess I am just like the millions of other Americans that are brainwashed by my government to believe what they want me to believe... facts and logic.

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