Sunday, June 5, 2011

Oh the Changes

5 weeks and 1 day until my first day at the new company
4 weeks until my last day at my current company
26 days until my "26th"... Ok, 30th birthday (
12 days until I am on my way to Maui with my mom and Ethan for some much needed time away in the most relaxing environment available to me at this time.
5 days until I am on my way to Atlanta to look for a place to live with Brandon.
3 weeks until a certain wedding is finally over and I no longer have to hear about it or pleas for money for their overly expensive honeymoon!! (who knows, this may be one of the more exciting things on my list!)
So many changes, so little time. I am amazed I am not more stressed out than I already am (altho, that is why I planned a trip to the islands during my extremely short period of time that I have left here. I need some time to just not think about anything but crashing waves against the sand)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Portlandite Is Moving To.......Georgia??

Wow, oh wow.
You know how they say that a good opportunity never just falls into your lap? Well in this one instance it sure does seem like that is exactly what happened.
While I did put effort in after the fact, I did not seek this out.
Back in August a series of events was unleashed when my current company decided to consolidate my department with our sister companies and was going to move us all to Seattle.
Long story short, a contact at a different company got a hold of me after he heard the news and asked if I was open to hearing about a job from their company. I thought about it and decided that wouldn't hurt to see what they had to offer..
8 months later an official offer has been made and it was too good to pass up.

I think that situations such as this go to show that in this current job market it is more about your connections and your reputation in the industry than anything. While I did need my degree to be seriously considered, I think it would have been highly likely for me to have been overlooked if I didn't have people on the inside.

So now here I sit, in my townhouse in Washington State, hoping that the East Coast will be as good to me as the West Coast has been. You cannot grow without change and without risk there generally is no reward.

Here is to new adventures! In Georgia!!