I know that I probably shouldn't have, but I decided to splurge and purchased a small bottle of Chanel no 5 from Macy's yesterday. It was quite spendy, but I really like the smell! And I love the idea that it is the same fragrance as what was worn back in the 1930s. There were so many different fragrances to chose from (most of which were less than desirable) but I kept coming back to the one I sprayed on myself for the first time one evening while exploring Waikiki beach late at night. The mall was about to close and we were on our way down the escalator when I saw we were going to pass an enormous bottle of Chanel no 5 on the way out the door. I had always been curious about the scent (it has so much history!) so I sprayed it on myself before we made our way out to the sidewalk.
Sitting at my desk, inhaling the scent now, brings me back to that night, walking barefoot on the beach under the stars, letting the waves lap at my ankles, walking all the way down to the hotel we could have stayed at at a fraction of the cost if only I would have checked out the employee discounts website before we left, washing my feet off in a sprinkler and trying to dry them on the Hawaiian grass, only to put them right back in the water again on the way back. Most of all it brings me back to a time when I felt very loved, laughing as we tried to not get wet when running from one boardwalk to another, lounging in the soft sand under the stars, holding hands as the gentle waves broke all around us. It was a great night, and I'm glad that I decided to go ahead and spurge on the bottle (even if I had to pay full price)… I knew I wouldn't be happy with anything but :)
Sitting at my desk, inhaling the scent now, brings me back to that night, walking barefoot on the beach under the stars, letting the waves lap at my ankles, walking all the way down to the hotel we could have stayed at at a fraction of the cost if only I would have checked out the employee discounts website before we left, washing my feet off in a sprinkler and trying to dry them on the Hawaiian grass, only to put them right back in the water again on the way back. Most of all it brings me back to a time when I felt very loved, laughing as we tried to not get wet when running from one boardwalk to another, lounging in the soft sand under the stars, holding hands as the gentle waves broke all around us. It was a great night, and I'm glad that I decided to go ahead and spurge on the bottle (even if I had to pay full price)… I knew I wouldn't be happy with anything but :)